Daryl Commandeur - 0407 436 611
Team Manager:
Chris Gatt - 0418 552 357
Age Group Manager:
Anthony Theunissen - 0418 555 701
Training Times:
Tuesday 4:30-6:00pm Greensborough Park

Round 8 - 05/31/2015

St Mary's Under 10 - 2015 Under 10 - Black 1.1.7 vs. Surrey Park 8.11.59

Although the score doesn’t reflect it the boys worked hard and played well on the day. They ran the ball well, good handballing in the packs and overall good teamwork. Player were strong at the football and moved a lot working hard on the running. Great work and hopefully next game we can convert the great work into a win.

Goal Kickers:

Marcus Kardas

Best Players:

Jack Farugia, Xavier Gatt, Will Thorpe, Marcus Kardas, Fraser Commandeur, Aiden Arceri


Encouragement Award: Xavier Gatt Away Team Award: Will Thorpe Captain: Jack Farrugia
