Brett Hancock
Team Manager:
Anthony Theunissen
Age Group Manager:
Anthony Theunissen
Training Times:
Tuesday 4:30-6:00pm Greensborough Park

Round 7 - 05/24/2015

St Mary's Under 10 - 2015 Under 10 - Brown ..0 vs. Kew Rovers ..0

Today we played Kew Rovers on their ground and had another really good win with plenty of good contributors from all over the ground. Great games from Nicholas, Keanu, Fletcher, Jack V, Jack T and Sammy T . A big thanks to the boys who filled in for the opposition – Maverick, Luke, Hudson and Fletcher. GREAT TEAM WORK GUYS.

Goal Kickers:

Fletcher (3….and one for the opposition :-0), , Maverick (2), Jack V (2), Ben F (2), Keanu (1), Chris R (1), Anthony L (1), Nicholas (1)

Best Players:

Nicholas, Fletcher, Keanu, Jack V, Ben F, Ben W, Jack T


Captain. Anthony Leonello Red Hot Go Award (RHG) Nicholas Brennan Sam Toop Opposition Encouragement Award Fletcher


Thanks again to all the parent volunteers this round……and especially to those who took on a role even though they weren’t on the roster (Penelope Toop and Brooke Atkinson). It is comforting to know that ‘collectively’ we are just as team orientated as our bunch of ‘Little Champions’…and setting them a good example…or are they setting us one????…….and thanks for the coffee Daniel….it was just what I needed……I owe you one!!