Clint Richardson - 0412 463 880
Team Manager:
Steve Gleeson - 0419 375 736
Age Group Manager:
Mark Harrison - 0400 066 275
Training Times:
Tuesday 4.30-6pm Whatmough Park

Round 1 - 04/06/2014
St Mary's Under 12 - 2014 Under 12 - Brown 4.16.40 vs. Whitehorse Colts 7.13.55
Goal Kickers:
Charlie Stephens 2, James Mefflin, Ben Corbin
Best Players:
Sam Shing, Charlie Stephens, Damian Papadas, Alex Balassone, Dom Akeui
A very competitive start to the season where we had plenty of the ball, it was only our conversion in front of goal which let us down. With quite a few new boys within the team it was impressive how they gelled together and it is certainly something to build on.