Jake Dambraskus - 0419 527 926
Team Manager:
Therese Kissane - 0417 116 521
Age Group Manager:
Daryl Barker - 0417 885 873
Training Times:
Monday & Wednesday 6-7.30pm Whatmough Park

Round 3 - 05/04/2014

St Mary's Under 14 - 2014 Under 14 - Green 14.14.98 vs. Ashburton 4.5.29

Fantastic team effort, tackling pressure was awesome all day. Didn’t drop off when we switched the team around. Second efforts were fantastic. Well done to Hugh for 50 great games!

Goal Kickers:

James Merrifield (2), Jake Halewood (2), Connor Kissane (2), James Ciavarella (2), Nick Eliopolus (2), Ryan Dambrauskas (2), Hugh Collis and Marcus Khoury

Best Players:

