Steven Fazekas - 0407 877 896
Team Manager:
Shelley Ware - 0417 369 718
Age Group Manager:
Monique Jackson - 0407 338 497
Training Times:
Friday 4.30-6pm Whatmough Park

Round 7 - 06/15/2014
St Mary's Under 9 (Tackers) - 2014 Under 9 Tackers - Teal 0.0.0 vs. Banyule 0.0.0
Goal Kickers:
Best Players:
St Marys Medal: Sam H. and Brodie
Best game of the season. Plenty of tackling and shepherding for team mates. The boys are playing great team footy and are all showing lots of improvement in all areas of the game. Great Stuff Boys, Keep it up.