Tony Norris - 0488 222 351
Team Manager:
Lynne Yates - 0431 222 513
Age Group Manager:
Lynne Yates - 0431 222 513
Training Times:
Wednesday 4.60 -6pm Greensborough Park

Round 12 - 07/20/2014
St Mary's Under 10 - 2014 Under 10 - Gold 3.2.20 vs. Fitzroy 9.5.59
Goal Kickers:
Will McFawn, Flynn Davis, Callum James
Best Players:
Captain - Will McFawn Vice Captain - Hayden Bickerton Coaches Award - Lachy Kerr Opposition Award - Taj Ruggieri
Slowest start of the season, the next 3 quarters were much better attack on the footy, intent and courage came to the fore.