I hope we are all refreshed after a week off and ready to crack into the last bit of the season.
As a club, we have had a large representation (too many to name them all) over the past few weeks in the YJFL representative sides. Congratulations to all those who made these sides and a big thank you for presenting our club in such a positive light. All the feedback I have received has talked about how polite and dedicated our players are – so well done.
Whilst on representative sides:
Trinity Mills and Jess Fitzgerald have made the School Sports Victoria Girls U15 Team for AFL Footy, and
Jaden Collins (see photo) from Under 15 (1)’s has made the School Sports Victoria Boys U15 Team for AFL Footy.
These games will be played at the end of July in Perth, WA. Whilst they have been selected they do have to fund their trip so if you see them selling raffle tickets etc. please give generously.
Also, Chiara Scuderi has made the School Sports U15 Girls Touch Footy Team, which is being played in Adelaide and will be played in early December.
This Sunday night we are celebrating our Colts and Top Age Girl’s groups. Come along and hear from the coaches and meet the players.
As always, EVERYONE from all age groups within the club is welcome to come down and enjoy the free pizza (for the players) and budget priced meals for mums and dads.
FRIDAY 28 JULY – GALA BALL. The ball is fast approaching – it is a fantastic night had by all the parents and a great way to send our top age Colts and Youth Girls off in style. Tables are filling fast, but it would be brilliant if we could get a representative table from every side and pack the venue. For tickets see your team manager or contact Melinda Read on 0413 423 034.
“St Mary’s, We Stand Proud!”
Paul Tobin
St Mary’s Greensborough Junior Football Club